Getting Things Done (GTD) by David Allen - Animated Book Summary And Review

Distributed Cognition:
"Distributed Cognition is the art of being able to control your focus by having a solid external trigger for it. Because what we have discovered is the way the brain works relies heavily on the current situation and the environment and it does that brilliantly. if you appropriately manage these practices what happens is you have an external memory trigger that gives you all the possible actions you have in the moment that then you can use your intelligence and intuition to make choices of it." -GTG David Allen

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The Rise and Fall of Getting Things Done @gekong

this excerpt from Cal Newport's article shows a glimpse of what zettelkaster can do for a company
Consider instead a system that externalizes work. Following the lead of software developers, we might use virtual task boards, where every task is represented by a card that specifies who is doing the work, and is pinned under a column indicating its status. With a quick glance, you can now ascertain everything going on within your team and ask meaningful questions about how much work any one person should tackle at a time. With this setup, optimization becomes possible.

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