Upgrading from 13" Retina Macbook Pro to 2017 Surface Pro.

Surface Pro review with the aim to replace a late 2013 retina Macbook Pro:

Initial hardware Impression:

Aluminum VS Magnesium

Out of the box impression was really good it was so much lighter than my MacBook pro. It maybe small enough to make it an always carry device*. This idea was actually spurred by the Surface Go’s release being an intriguing portable device but after reading more about the Go’s serious lack of power it seems that this new Surface Pro SKU bundle sale that has an i5 with 8GB RAM and 128 SSD and included the platinum alcantara Type Cover for $799.99 sounded like a better deal overall although less portable than the Go it seems like the next best thing. Especially after reading about mostly positive reviews on the original surface pro i5 8GB where most of the cons were basically about how expensive it was. So since the original i5 with 8GB RAM with the type cover would have cost you about $500.00 more. This technically does not have a con. The only drawback is that this new SKU has a 128GB SSD instead of a 256GB one but you can always add a large micro SD to amend that.

The bad:

Compared to my13 inch Retina Macbook pro its lap-ability sucks because the kick stand needs space your on lap it’s going to take up more space and it may sit precariously at the edge of your knees and because the keyboard does not have a hinge to hold the screen in place its unwieldy on your lap. Vs my laptop its no match. You can actually lap it, it just takes some getting used to. On the plus side it is a tablet and using it as a tablet while on the couch beats the laptop.

While you can lap it, it will take more space because of the hinge.

There is a high probability that your unit will have noticeable light bleed and that can be annoying. A quick google search of this problem shows that this is a common issue with the surface pro.
Compared to my iPad or my Macbook Pro you’ll probably b disappointed at why Microsoft can’t do something you take for granted in your Apple devices. I couldn’t just let this issue go so. I had to give Microsoft a chance to redeem themselves. I did the process of getting my unit replaced. When I called Microsoft they wanted me to take a picture of the leak. Initially it seemed like an impossible task. The solution that worked was displaying black image in paint in full screen with the brightness set to 100% and taking the picture in low light with my iPhone. This exaggerated the light leak even more than what you’d actually see. After sending that picture they agreed to replace the device. They ask to hold $999.00 plus tax to get me an advance unit. (will update this once I get my replacement). I also specified that they make sure there is no light bleeding issue with the unit they’re sending. I had to ask cause some people online says they had to get up to 5 replacements before they got a good unit.

Obvious light bleeding on the bottom of the screen especially vs the uniform light on the MBP.

Here is couple of forums including MS’s one that show customers having problems with light leaks on the i5 models:

Tablet experience:

Initially it was confusing to use Windows 10 as tablet. I have always used Windows 10 as a desktop operating system and never as a tablet. On my Windows office computer, my home screen is the “Desktop” and the task bar and on the iPad it’s just the home screen. I’ve ended up with using the start menu to be my home screen for both desktop and tablet modes.I’ve had to customize the default start menu cause out of the box the surface has a clutter of “per-installed” stuff on there. I think that the start menu is pretty cool as a home screen and it made my tablet experience on Windows 10 work for me.

My home page

Design and build quality:

Size Comparison

For those who think that the Apple’s aluminum chassis design is better just google magnesium vs aluminum and you’ll get this:
“Magnesium is 33% lighter than aluminum, 60% lighter than titanium, and 75% lighter than steel. Yet for many applications it’s stronger per unit volume than all three of those structural metals. I know it sounds incredible, but it’s true! It is also an extremely versatile metal.”

The Surface will look and feel like a premium device, ascetically it can match the Macbook. Chiseled from a block of magnesium or melted into form it feels as good as the Macbook’s aluminum. I’ve also noticed that the magnesium is not as cold as the aluminum of my Macbook pro. You know that feeling when you pickup your mac and lap it on your bare skin and it’s can be annoyingly cold? that does not happen with the surface pro.
This maybe weird but not seeing the metal while your using the device takes away that feeling because all your seeing is the glass part of the surface as opposed to the Macbook where you are actually touching the metal and seeing it while using the device.

Intricately Engineered hinge

Even the kick stand’s hinge is cool if you look at the mechanism while your opening the kick stand you’ll notice how much engineering goes into creating the variable/consistent feel of the resistance throughout the angles. the “variable” part of the resistance is the noticeable pop up when you initially open the stand after that the resistance is even through out all the angles.

The way the Alcantara feels as a cover is also very premium and suede like when it’s closed and when you’re using the keyboard you’ll notice that the keyboard side has a less suede like feel meaning it may not stain as bad and maybe wipe-able.

To be continued…

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